Tech Topic 45: Three tips for human-led AI use in Public Relations with Svetlana Stavreva

OnEBoard was joined by communications professional Svetlana Stavreva with three tips for best practices for ethically using AI. Svetlana is the newly elected Chair of the AI Chapter of the International Public Relations Association (IPRA). 

Today's tips and discussion topics: 

What are the top take-aways? 

  • Individuals need a strong understanding of AI's capabilities and limitations to navigate its ethical implications in public relations. 
  • Critical thinking is needed when using AI, particularly in combating misinformation and ensuring diverse perspectives are considered. 
  • Continuous learning is necessary to keep pace with the evolving AI landscape, and AI tools are only as effective as the humans who use them. 
  • While AI is a valuable tool, its rapid development necessitates ethical guidelines and human oversight to prevent unintended consequences.
    (Summarized by NotebookLM with human review and editing. Get the full Briefing Doc.)

Thanks to Svetlana for sharing her expertise! Her tips are not only relevant to public relations professionals, but to anyone using AI-powered tools. 

OnEBoard News 3 Tips in 10 Minutes. Human-led AI development. July 28, 2024.

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