How to use NotebookLM with Gemini for writing video descriptions

Do you use Gemini or other AI to help write the description for your videos?

This week's #OnEBoardChat was hosted by Bob Danley, who shared how he uses Google's Gemini AI to help write informative and accurate descriptions for his nature videos. 

The chat was livestreamed on YouTube (watch here), with fellow OnEBoard members Nina Trankova and Peggy Kolm. Several of OnEBoard's regular discussion participants joined the live chat (thanks for joining Brigitte, Craig and Molly!).

Bob uses Google's NotebookLM which lets you create a project with Google Docs, Google Slides, PDF files, and text. You can then use the built-in AI-powered tools—currently using Gemini 1.5 Pro—to create a briefing document or summary.

The live discussion touched on why you would want to write a detailed description, selecting documents for the project, how NotebookLM shows sources, making sure the information is accurate, and other types of projects this could be used for, such as writing blog posts.

To see an example, Bob used NotebookLM to write the description of this Short about the Hydaspe Fritillary butterfly. You can learn basic information by watching the video or get a detailed and referenced overview by reading the description.

GIF showing NotebookLM created description for YouTube Short
Detailed video descriptions written with NotebookLM. 

And here is a summary created from the transcript using NotebookLM.

Watch the live stream recording to get all the details or ask a question.  

Related Resources

Learn more about NotebookLM
Learn more about Gemini

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