#OnEBoardChat March Roundup: AI and SEO, Digital Spring Cleaning, Backing Up Your Content

Spring has sprung! In March, #OnEBoardChat discussed using “AI” for search engine optimization (SEO), backing up your content, and digital spring cleaning.

Thanks to our hosts and everyone who participated in the conversations!

Upcoming chat topics:
April 2: Audio, Video or Text? (Host: Peggy K)
April 9: Gmail and Email (Host: Georgi Dinchev)
April 16: TBA (Host: Nina Trankova)
April 23: Gmail (Host: Somnath Datta)
April 30: Google Bard (Host: Molly Youngblood)

If you are interested in hosting a chat, sign up! And follow the #OnEBoardChat hashtag on Twitter to join in the conversation.

Highlights from March OnEBoard Twitter chats: 

March 5: Understanding Search 123: Focus on AI
Host: Molly Youngblood (Twitter)

Q1:   Have you integrated AI with your SEO strategies?
Q2:   Have you used AI with your SEO content?
Q3:   How are you using AI for technical SEO?

March 12 : Backing up your content

Host: Peggy K (Twitter)

Q1:   How do you back up your content (photos, documents, web pages, videos)? Do you use backup tools? Do you store a copy offline or only in the cloud?
Q2:   When you create content online (for example: Instagram Reels editor, Google Docs, Twitter Tweets, etc) do you download your creation or otherwise back it up?
Q3:   How often do you back up your content? And how often do you access your backed up content?

March 19: Spring cleaning

Host: Nina Trankova (Twitter)

Q1: Are you cleaning your “online home” clutter?
Q2: What is included in your priority list?
Q3: What are some best practices?

March 26: SEO and AI

Host: Molly Youngblood (Twitter)

Q1: What Is Chat GPT and how can you use it for SEO?
Q2: What is AIPRM in Chat GPT and why is it helpful with SEO tasks?
Q3: Does Google penalize AI generated SEO code and content?

Also be sure to check out our recap of 2022 #OnEBoardChat discussions.
