May #OnEBoardChat: Presentations, Messaging, Stories and more

Every Sunday OnEBoard hosts a Twitter chat.  Everyone is welcome to join the discussion. Follow the #OnEBoardChat hashtag to see the current conversation. 

In May we discussed online communication, stories, presentations and more. Here is a quick recap of last month's #OnEBoardChat:

April 25: Presenting Online: What makes an online presentation a success?

Host: Nina Trankova

May 9: Messaging: What messenger service do you use? 

Host: Markus Mayer-Jäger

May 16: Communication in Numbers: So many people - how can we communicate? 

Host: Nina Trankova

May 23: Social Media Stories: Do you use them? Do you view them? 

Host: Peggy K

May 30: Free Up Space: How do you manage storage of your photos and other files? 

Host: Nina Trankova

Thanks to everyone who has participated in this month's chats!

Join the next #OnEBoardChat on Sunday, June 6!
