OnEBoard Chat: Signature Content and your Brand Identity

This week OnEBoard member Bob Danley lead a discussion on how to develop a Brand identity that can be used across platforms.

View the slides and speaker notes:


The discussion focused on how to develop a Brand Identity, including: 
  • What is "Signature Content"?
  • What to consider when developing your brand identity. 
  • Defining your Brand's Mission and Core Values. 
  • Understanding your competition. 
  • Crafting a visual identity for your Brand.
  • Knowing your target audience and establishing a Brand "voice" and personality.
  • How important is authenticity?


Bob will be applying these steps to his own online presence, including his website, YouTube channel and Bluesky account.

It is the development of a unique brand persona that differentiates you from your competition, i.e. avoid looking and sounding the same. My question, how can I be different/better from other wildlife photograph postings? Ideally, the goal is consistent customized settings of sorts applied across platforms. 

The OnEBoard team will also be reviewing our brand identity, to make sure it is consistent with our mission: "We envision a long term transformation, all the time learning. It's a process, approach, a never ending personal and society growth."

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