Tech Topic 39: Keyboard Shortcuts, Website vs Social Media, Optimize Older YouTube Content


This week's tips from Tech Topic live:

1. Peggy Kolm: Use keyboard shortcuts. If there is a service or software that you use frequently, it's really worthwhile to learn the keyboard shortcuts for common actions you take not just for copy and paste. A lot of times there's a keyboard shortcut for navigating or opening particular tools. Google Drive is changing its keyboard shortcuts because they are implementing a new way.  They're making it so you have to use two keys usually like an ALT click or control click. For other software, you should look at the keyboard shortcuts for the actions that you frequently take and it will save you a lot of time.

2. Bob Danley: Focus on your own website. Although the costs of social media are less which puts it as a winner in a direct comparison with websites, the Trust Factor though websites are the true winner! Because just think about fake social media accounts?! You can build trust better by posting ebooks, white papers etc. and that establishes expertise because of those long forms. Now when you think of ease of use social media is a winner there. However, our design content websites are the winners because you can highlight your branding better. The content can be altered at any time and updated and the information is available 24/7 and it's detailed. The other key element is websites analysis. There's a lot of analysis as to what you're posting on your website.  

3. Nina Trankova: Be aware of your YouTube video content correlation. Showcasing a YouTube channel, which has new content regularly uploaded. Three new videos per 3 min each were uploaded in April.  Three Short video Teasers have been created to draw attention to the new videos. 
So the analysis says 70%  of the viewers attracted in April were new visitors to the channel. And 29% were returning subscribers. My tip is based on this correlation 52%, 21%, 27%: the newcomers didn't just watch the new content, but 52% of them went and viewed the six months old content. 21% of the new viewers watched the  videos from November to March. Only 27% of the newcomers viewed the new content. So take care to have all your video content equally optimized. Join us on the 19th of May when Peggy will share her expertise about Short video. 

Join us again on May 19, when OnEBoard live streams three tech tips in 10 minutes!
