#OnEBoardChat March Roundup

In March the weekly OnEBoard Twitter chats covered separating business and personal on social media, promoting engagement in your communies, Gmail how-tos, and creating storyboards for online storytelling. 

A big thank you to March chat hosts Svetlana Stavreva, Nina Trankova, Peggy Kolm and Bob Danley and to everyone who joined the discussion!

Discussions are every Sunday at 11AM PST/6PM UTC, and everyone is welcome to participate. 

Follow the #OnEBoardChat hashtag on Twitter to see the latest conversation.

Upcoming #OnEBoardChat discussion topics: 

If you are interested in hosting an upcoming #OnEBoardChat, learn more and sign up here.

Here's what we discussed in March:

March 6: Personal vs Professional Social Media 

Host Svetlana Stavreva (@Stavreva)

Q1: Do you have separate social media accounts for personal and for business use? (Link to discussion)

Q2: Do you believe some social media platforms are more appropriate for business? (Link to discussion)

Q3: What is your favorite social media platform: a/ for business b/ for personal use? (Link to discussion)

March 13: Promoting Community Engagement  

Host Peggy K (@PeggyKTC)

Q1:  For online communities, what kind of engagement do you think is important? What role do posts, comments, likes, and other types of engagement play? How do you usually participate? (Link to discussion)

Q2: How can community owners and moderators encourage new posts, comments, and other community participation? What keeps you coming back and participating in a community?  (Link to discussion)

Q3: Optimizing for engagement can encourage posting to provoke outrage or arguments or high volume low quality posts and comments.  How can communities ensure they are welcoming and encourage higher quality participation? (Link to discussion)

March 20: Gmail How-Tos 

Host Nina Trankova (@NinaTrankova)

Q1: How many Google Products can you use in one window in Gmail? (Link todiscussion)

Q2: How do you recover storage in Gmail? (Link todiscussion)

Q3: Share your best practice how to use search in Gmail? (Link to discussion)

March 27: Stories: Storyboarding

Host Bob Danley (@Cypseloides)

Note: click the embedded Tweets below to find the discussion,

Q1: All the elements below define storyboarding. Is element 3 the main reason you have never done a storyboard? Discuss.
Q2: No matter how good or bad your artistic talents are, storyboarding teases out important factors (below) needed in telling a story. Isn’t it a similar process to an outline for a written report, review, white paper, etc…except visuals replace words? Discuss.
Q3: Review Storyboard mediums below. If you wanted to immerse a viewer in your digital story, what mediums would you use in some of your individual story frames? Explain
Q4: Have no fear...Practice storyboarding. Create a story...no drawing involved. Follow instructions-use the frames 1 and 2 as starters. Answer Questions 4 a,b,c,d,e.

That's all for March. Be sure to join our upcoming Twitter chats!
