Join OnEBoard on December 13 for the Premiere of Commitment 2021.
OnEBoard members reflect on the previous year and talk about their goals for the coming months.
Commitment 2021 is the 6th yearly edition in a series of live streamed events under the original message: Reflection of Love. We are committing personally to the New Year 2021 by aligning with who we are, what we do altogether in our transformed world and what is the accountable action we are taking into the direction of 2021.
Watch on YouTube to set a reminder and join the chat.
Connect with #OnEBoard crew and with the participants in Commitment 2021:
- Nina Trankova (Twitter)
- Svetlana Stavreva (Twitter)
- Peggy K (Twitter)
- David Amerland (Twitter)
- Monika Schmidt (Twitter)
- Bob Danley (Twitter)
- Justine O'Brien (Twitter)
- Ms Drasby (Twitter)
- Brigitte Uras (Twitter)
- Gina Fiedel (Twitter)
- Anna Grozdanova (Instagram)
- Markus Mayer-Jäger (Twitter)
- Stan Bush (Twitter)
- Nick Krastev (Twitter)
Commitment 2021 assured such a smooth start of my year 2021! Thank you for the experiencial learning in our digitized space! While everyone talks collaboration very few groups or teams are actionable in the internet way of networking indeed! I'm proud to have OnEBoard Collaboration among the top actionable!